Summer Robotics Camp
Save The Date! Summer Robotics Camp 2019 - June 24th-27th
Our summer camp is an annual educational camp put together and run by the high school students from the Alpha+ Robotics team to introduce kids to the joys of computer programming and robotics, as well as help kids learn teamwork and critical thinking skills.
The camp started in 2016. During camp, kids build and program a robot, do different arts and crafts, and participate in outside activities. It is organized by the Alpha+ Robotics team, and we recruit members from the middle school team to help too.
In addition to all of the robotics activities, the kids in the camp participated in science activities, arts and crafts projects, games, and a presentation from engineers from Unicep Packaging.
This camp would not be possible without the appreciated help of our team mentors, BCMS FIRST Lego League Robotics Team Omega, families, and community members who were involved. We're looking forward to hosting Summer Robotics Camp again next year!