2020 Build Season Week 10
At the beginning of Week 10, we completed building our robot and we were finally allowing the programmers some much-awaited bot time. We were preparing to leave for our Idaho …
At the beginning of Week 10, we completed building our robot and we were finally allowing the programmers some much-awaited bot time. We were preparing to leave for our Idaho …
Our team accomplished several tasks during week nine. As competition approaches our build team has worked to finalize the robot. The electrical team finished wiring the robot. The build team …
Week eight has commenced. Our electrical team worked on wiring the proximity sensors, mounting our belly pan. The electrical team also worked on teaching newer members how to solder. The …
Week seven has concluded. Our electrical team has continued wiring our belly pan. Our build team has figured out how to stop the power cells from flowing freely. The build …
And just like that, week 6 is done! This week was quite productive, the build team is almost complete with the ball handler, our ball launcher is close to 90% …
Week five has come to an end. This week our electrical team created an electrical plan for the robot. The old robots got up to date with the new code. …
And that concludes Week 4! Our programming team has perfected swerve drive while also beginning targeting with Limelight. They have begun prototyping a winch for climbing as well. The design …
Week three has officially commenced. This week the build and design team prototyped and built different feed-in mechanisms for the ball intake. The ball launcher has consistently been able to …
Projects from week one have continued into week two. Programmers have swerve-drive running. Electrical has been working on mock-ups for the launcher as well as swerve-drive. Thursday, the team built …
Week one was extremely productive. The programmers worked together to get caught up on the code structure changes for 2020. They also started to work on the code for the …